Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Butterflies of Hope, Legacies of Love

Just returned from Nat day celebration at school. Yes, at 9pm. Someone had a great idea to start the concert at 6pm. It was quite fun if not for the fact I was late (overslept till 6pm, got there only at 6.30pm) and I had a headache throughout (which was supposed to go away after my nap) not to mention I was stuck behind this nice tall guy. (slightly shorter then qx, but tall enough to cover my field of vision when I sit down) So I had to stand. For more then two hours. I'm not complaining- it was worth it.

For a few seconds, it was like orientation all over again. And SRJC was home to me.

I really miss the past.

Can misery give you a headache? Feels more like a fever. I haven't been bothered enough to check my temperature.

I could have checked and if its a fever I'd skip the celebration. But then I'd be letting the school and the teachers down.

Miserable, utterly miserable. I have a song for everyone. here.

I need to talk to someone who knows everything.

Quote of e Post:
Minutes turn to hours, and the hours to days
Seems it's been forever that I've felt this way

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