Saturday, November 25, 2006


Based on:
Liz Phair - Why Can't I

Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walkin' down the street, and I hardly know you
It's not like we were meant to be

Wish to hold your hand and laze through the night
Got a boyfriend, i know it isn't right
Since you have someone holding you

How to go, there aint even a beginning

We're already wet, and we're gonna go swimming

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Isn't this the worst part of meeting up?
Finding someone else you can't get enough of,
Someone who cannot be with you

It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch
Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
But wouldn't it be beautiful?

How to go, There aint even a beginning
We haven't talked yet, but my head's spinning

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

High enough for you to make me wonder
Where it's goin'
High enough for you to pull me under
Somethin's growin'
Outta this that I can't control
Baby I'm dyin'

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

Whenever i think about you (x4)

Speaks for itself.

JC1 Bash was either a wonderful job or a torturous journey depending on which of my interests come first. Overall the council did a good job.

Quote of e Post:
Searching for some perfect world I know I'll never find

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Light Up

JC one bash in two days! Tomorrow only has history from afternoon all the way till evening. Bah- but its still irritating to no end. I like fell asleep within the first part of today’s lecture la. Zzz. Made so little sense to hear so much about something we wont explicitly be tested on. At least tomorrow will be fun, because we’ll be practicing SBQs! From what I’ve gleaned it’s just a lot like Social Studies… only difference? This time you absolutely need to add in your own contextual knowledge. Meaning? Meaning you now have to study for source based! Brilliant isn’t it?

Aghhh! So many things, so little time =x Friday JC one bash, Saturday, RR + YCP briefing in the morning. Sunday, church camp briefing. Then next week- JC2 prom night and the coming Sunday its church camp already! Come back to Singapore, YCP volunteering thing things and maybe zone 2 camp. Then CCIS and there’s the RR Christmas play. By the time Christmas passes over it is only one week from the start of 2007 where the final showdown against Cambridge and the Ministry of Evil (MoE) commences. Gun those commies down!

Blessed Union of Souls – Light in Your Eyes

I can't remember the last time that we kissed goodbye
All our "I love you's" were just not enough to survive
Something your eyes never told me
But it's only now too plain to see
Brilliant disguise when you hold me
And I'm free

I've been thinking and here's what I've come to conclude
Sometimes the distance is more than two people can use
But how could I have known, girl
It was time and not space you would need?
Darling tonight, I could hold you and you would know
But would you believe..

There's a light in your eyes that I used to see
There's a place in your heart where I used to be
Was I wrong to assume that you were waiting for me?
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Cards and phone calls and photographs, pictures of you
A constant reminder of all the things you get used to
Is there a chance in hell or heaven
That there's still something here to build on,
Or do you just pick up the pieces after they fall?
But after all…

There's a light in your eyes that I used to see
And a song in the words that you spoke to me
Was I wrong to believe in your melody?
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Should I keep on waiting or does love keep on fading away, fading away?

It's been a while since I've seen you so how have you been?
Did you get my letter I wrote you, but I did not send?
I tried to call your old number
But the voice that I heard on the phone
I recognized but she told me the number was wrong

There's a light in my eyes but it's too bright to see
And a pain in my heart where you used to be
Guess I was wrong to assume that you were waiting here for me
There's a light in your eyes
Did you leave that light burning for me?

Another long time favourite of mine. Many thanks to Paula for introducing this song to me all those years ago.

So you appeared. Is my blog like a wishing post or something?

Quote of e Post:
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

Nothing to Do

Quite pissed now. Feeling in a "I've-just-discovered-ive-been-had" feeling. Feels crappish. And there is still extra lesson on all week... till 5pm. My mouth isnt helping matters although my aching arms have recovered. Stupid tooth... Argh. Overall grumpy, tired, uncomfortable, disappointed and a whole lot of other things. And broke... money is the most ridiculous thing ever invented in human history. It has turned people into selfish, insensitive beings at a much faster rate then we naturally evil humans ought to degenerate! Not to mention it greatly inconviniences those who lack excessive quantities of such a wonderful substance...

Yesterday was qutie an interesting day, not to mention the previous week in which extra lessons just began. (another pain in the behind for sure) Econs is beginning to look alot like PoA in
our newest chapter... Really brings back bad BAD memories. Shudder... B4... crap result. If I actually got my usual A2 for humans and PoA Id have 15 points instead of 18 and it'll be
unlikely that ill have gone to SRJC. Not that SR is a bad place or anything of the sort.

Getting a little pissed off with Wai Keat. I mean, wtf is wrong with him and the student council?? They do their job, you do yours. So maybe they do trample some toes in order to get thier job done. Because as the student council, their job involves every part of the student body. What is a little money to you? Its not the price you said, its the principle of the matter. INDEED! It is the principle of the matter. Cut those poor souls some slack will you? I will not support any continued resistance against the council's upmost efforts to improve the student's satisfaction during their 2 years in SRJC. Firstly, they deserve some credit. Secondly, if you're complaining like mad, I dont see you up there doing something... Thirdly, you have crossed the logic line and are not just biased, which inevitably becomes unfair. And lastly, although some of the council may be a little irritating, none of them are horrible people. The school expects them to do thier job. It is YOUR job to SUPPORT them in any way you can. So much for being a "service cca".

Lighthouse - You and Me

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it?
And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

I’ve loved this song for so long and yet I never found it. There are a lot of songs which I really like but do not know anything about. All I have are a few lines floating about in my memories, set to a ever fading tune that threatens to vanish completely if the memory is not relived. Sad to say, those songs have yet to be found. One down, and a million more to go.

Why do you refuse to appear?

Quote of e Post:
And I don’t know why, I can’t keep my eyes off of you

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life Note

I always find things out, too little, too late, a little too late even. And I wished, back then, I knew and I could have done something. Because we're friends, and because you're worth the effort. Now that I come to think of it, we look at the past too much. You may have had a sad, lonely or even painful past. A past which none of us need to remember and have put in place excellent countermeasures and precautions to avoid bringing up again. But everytime I see you, it all comes back. To draw a bond, we inevitably bring up the past again and it gets wierd. We've grown older, not necessarily wiser. But we've changed. I hope thats enough.

Got to find a break from all this emo stuff, on the blog I mean.

Each day I see the extreme, on one hand, the super mundane, vulgar and largely illegible posts of someone on a adolescent hormone high. On the other I see horribly sad gothic posts whose writers seem to carry the weight of the world on thier shoulders even though all they blog about is their own miserable selves. And the large majority who write very boring things about thier daily lives, I myself am ashamed to be part of this. Then there are those wonderful insightful buggets of gold we find buried here and there. Im very fortunate to find one myself so close to home. Insightful, intelligently entertaining and sometimes quite curios. All blogs should be this entertaining- a pity that the freedom of anonymity seems to sap a large portion of one's intelligence despite the fact that they know those reading are under no delusion as to the writer's identity.

Yes, Im a hypocrite, Im guilty, so shoot me already.

No, for the millionth time, I havent watched the Death Note movie despite the "L" avatar in my msn messenger. I am a staunch believer in the fact that in the process of print to screen there inevitably will be content lost. And a person like me, who thrives on the itty gritty details and accuracy cannot tolerate such things. The character behaves in a way that isnt relevant to the book? Slam. The invention of a character that did not even EXIST in the book in order to slip in more action? Heaven forbid! A vital scene is cut out and replaced by a brief explaination to save time? Im reaching for the pitchfork already. As such, all the Potter movies, Narnia and to some small extent, the LOTR movies are lost to me (although I have watched the LOTR trilogy, which started me on this rampage) and however entertaining, would be a severe blow to my pride and principles if I am to spend money to watch it (mega hint) youtube obliges.

Death Note is a captivating story not for the layman. Many a friend of mine have laughed off their inability to follow the long and winding story which at times contains little to no action whatsoever. I laugh along and take offence silently. How foolish they are- the gold is in the dialouge. The way both Light, and his alter ego Kira, outsmart L and the two tango back and forth. Waiting for a slip up on either side, which would lead to a winner. The irony of Light and L, both being so similar, being the justice and yet Light being Kira, the antihero is astounding. An excellent literary work. The drama continues with Near and Mello, and as we all know, ultimately, evil will never win as Kira's plotting goes overboard and he traps himself in his overconfidence. Brilliant but heavy stuff, not for the simple minded, it will give them splitting headaches.

Extra lesson are her eto plauge us again! Along with more holiday work to be done *sigh* this is not entirely unexpected though. Best be cracking.

By the way..

E ryja paah luhcisat fedr y knayd taym uv waym du pudr maynh yht sycdan dra [al bhed] myhkiyka vnus [FFX]. Du pudr cbayg, nayt yht ajah du cusa aqdahd, fneda eh drec myhkiyka. Drec byccycka ec aycemo dnyhcmydat fedrdra ica uv yh [al bhed] dnyhcmydun vuiht yhofrana uh dra ehdanhad. Kuukma upmekac. Yhouha fru lynac du ramb sa ymuhk cruimt tu cu yd draen aynmecd ehluhjeheahla. Dryhg oui.

Quote of e Post:
So I'll let my words be few

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Moar Quizzez!

Moar Quizzes please!

You are a Believer

You believe in God and your chosen religion.
Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu..
Your convictions are strong and unwavering.
You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.


You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

My gosh... Im powerful?? Beautiful yet dangerous.... i think it should be silent but violent haha...

Your Brain's Pattern

Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

Im not surprised...

Your EQ is 133

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

Like seriously? Im doubtful...

You Are Brownie Batter Ice Cream

You've been known to lick *everything* clean

Like right... Am I the only one reading more into the inverted commas than Im supposed to?

You are Mahogany

Stable and decisive, you lack the hyper energy of most orange colors.
You're still energetic, but you tend to project a peaceful, relaxed vibe.
You love to feel cozy. You often rather wrap up in a blanket than go out for the night.

Since I love orange haha... didnt know that mahogany was a shade of orange...

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

Right... typically SC

You Are Internal - Skeptic - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.

You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

And a song :)

Bowling for Soup - Almost

I almost got drunk at school at 14
Where I almost made out with the homecoming queen
Who almost went on to be miss texas
But lost to a slut with much bigger breastes
I almost dropped out to move to LA
Where I was almost famous for almost a day

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost loved you
I almost wished u would’ve loved me too

I almost held up a grocery store
Where I almost did 5 years and then 7 more
Cuz I almost got popped for a fight with a thug
Cuz he almost made off with a bunch of the drugs
That I almost got hooked on cuz you ran away
And I wish I woulda had the nerve to ask you to stay

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost had you
And I didn’t even know it

You kept me guessing and now I guess that
I spent my time missing you
I almost wish you would’ve loved me too

Here I go thinking about all the things I could’ve done
I’m gonna need a forklift cuz all the baggage weighs a ton
I know we’ve had our problems I can’t remember one

I almost forgot to say something else
And if I cant fit it in I’ll keep it all to myself
I almost wrote a song about you today
But I tore it all open and I threw it away

And I almost had you
But I guess that doesn’t cut it
Almost had you
And I didn’t even know it

You kept me guessing and now I guess that
I spent my time missing you
And I almost had you

I almost wish you would’ve loved me too

I promise to slip in a proper post when I actually remember what I have been doing with my life the past few weeks...

Quote of e Post:
Stand up! Non-stop!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Whee! Blogger ate yesterday's post so this is so late! Woohoo! Still high. Tuesday's party was a blast! Shame on all you peeps who decided not to go by choice, you totally missed out :) Crystal's 17th Birthday Halloween Bash (Her birthday was actually on the 27th but the party had to be on halloween) was actually meant to be a masquarade... but no one wore masks! Turned into a costume party instead haha. Words cannot describe the stuff we all did haha. As, in the words of one Emmanuel Paul Ng Kok Peng- i'll let the pictures do the talking.

Click to Enlarge!

Betcha you cant tell, Jerome's wearing a skirt xD

1a02, but so many ppl missing :(

Hot dancing~

But Rayner absolutely loved being grinded :P

Drinks for everyone!

The troops are stoned!

They're killing each other!

Body count

Who dunnit?

The delicious birthday girl haha

Serenaded by the SR idol :)

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Beautiful! Emmx and Michael Yeo were some sea captain thing things, Shawn Wee looked like that dude from Top gun, Jerome was a transsexual xD, Olivia was a very very convincing pirate, Bryant a soldier, Jane a witch, Gen the bunny, I the wierd warrior monk (ha), and Crystal the French Maid =P And that drink above isnt really alocholic haha, its some carbonated thing haha. Don't go ballistic calling the cops now, it was all clean. (save for a scandalous video ala Shawn x Jerome Haha)

MT A levels tomorrow!! Will I have to take MT again next year? I pray not... not that I have even studied! Haha. My parents dont even know I have an A level paper tomorrow. lmao. Im not that bothered although I should be... MT must pass to qualify for university! And a good MT score helps you out (If you got A1 or A2) so yea...

Im already in a bloody holiday mood so haha- can throw studying and extra lessons down the drain. Oh hy, I just remembered about the 6 history essays thing thing. I'll have to get down to it and read the UN lecture book soon. Blegh, spoil my mood. Hope we get Koh Yi Han next year! xD

Quote of e Post:
You say you wanna get a little bump in here~