Monday, August 07, 2006

Praise Him

FoP was great! Don Moen is still the same great person he was- and he still looks as young as ever. Or maybe it is just his american blood :P The presence of God could be felt vibrating offthe walls of in indoor stadium while just outside at the national stadium the national day parade rehersal was going on. How fitting, indeed the Festival of Praise is planned to coincide as close to our nation's birthday as possible to remind us of the goodness god has done for Singapore.

And I bought his new CD ^_^ Haha- my com's cd drive is spoilt so cannot do anything to it, but I can listen to it in my room (hohoho). the CCC band was there too, but I think they are abit too wild for the liking of some (like me). Ps Chia was up on stage ^_^ So kewl haha- but Mervin wasnt there. I was Ditched by my cell la- pfft... Then end up going solo... only today did Reuben and QX go (I think). Our cell is so stonage haha.

So excited for this coming week ^_^ Its going to be a real cool week haha! But troublesome nevertheless. Ill stop here for now, its late, more tomorrow!

Quote of e Post:
This is our lives... on Holiday!

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