Thursday, August 31, 2006

Assuming Lies Indeed Convert Into Actions

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

This few lines- while it is true. I cannot totally agree, this is exactly what the world demands from us. We have but to deliver, certain sacrifices must be made.

Today is teacher's day, the celebration at school was made up of 2 components. The concert and the carnival. The concert wasn't exactly spectacular- so sad to say, partially due to the less then entertaining Emcees, partially due to the audience themselves. The carnival time was spent huddled under desks in a dark room covered by trash bags. Huh? Haha, 1A02 and 1A03 collaborated to set up a haunted house for the carnival! Yes, a haunted house (out of the 2nd floor of block C haha) While not absolutely scary (most of the males going through were just jerks) it sufficed in scaring a few good number of other visitors including teachers ^_^ and we made a whooping $194 out of the entrance collections! Cleanup was a pain but it was FUN! Whooo-

Rushed back to PCSS totally unprepared. Yet somehow, the nostalgia just wasnt there, it was as if nothing had changed. We were almost all the same- Remembered quite a few faces and met a few more people I didn't think I'd see ever again in my life.

but one of the skits during the concert did touch me. Done by the teachers ironically. Three, very touching but woefully unrealistic stories, it was just the thing I needed to break down the stone walls arond my heart. Sixteen Going on Seventeen... that song, just 2 years ago. Oh my, the memories come flooding back like a tsunami, washing me away. No... the 04 era is locked up, no longer to be released. Why do you still plauge me so, am I not pathetic enough?

I love that song, this would be the year that I can sing it and mean it in context. But the recepient... will never... will never...

Please, forgive me and Smile again.

Quote of e Post:
Innocent as a Rose

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Its been a long time since, since anything. Since I felt, something.

Something just died today, Im not sure what. But those two orange words made some switch flip off inside. And the three red words two posts down. So not you- whats with all the darkness and angst? You changed alot, alright, everyone changes, but I still feel- I havent grown in 4 years. Still stupid, still immature, still stumbling, still dreaming. Still playing a BLOODY FOOL.

I just wanted to say "Im so sorry, and I'll leave you alone, as if that will solve this problem. The silent akwardness will not end, i did something stupid and Im paying for it. Its none of your fault- I robbed you of the thing I value the most. Please forget I exist." And no, this is totally no what is sounds like =.= (im a vey poor liar)

My job i feel, is a bookman. What? Nothing more then a spectator. A recorder of history, I dont live, I just record the lives of those around me and reflect parts of it to survive. Mr Yew, you are such an interesting person. I cant pin you down anywhere, just like you couldnt pin me down anywhere. I feel, ever since first intake when we got matching personality test things... that we, are in some vauge way... the same.

"You look like a diligent student and the things you do tell me you want to be diligent but the way you are behaving is like a semi-delinquent. You're not here and not there, I dont know where to classify you, do you know that Mr Loh?"

I dont know how to classify me either. I think I am- neither. Im so surprised, the irony of it all, I taking H2 Lit, paper 5 Literature and Identity, not knowing my own identity. My mirror asks me, "who are you", I ask back "who do you want me to be?" It can only reply "whoever you make me out to be".

Information gathering, thats what life is all about now. My ultimate goal, remember, to know everything in the world. To know, knowledge is power. Then knowing everything, there will no longer be any more misunderstandings, no more animosity, no more distrust, no more confusion. Then... what then?

Quote of e Post:
I guess... Im doing fine

Monday, August 07, 2006

Praise Him

FoP was great! Don Moen is still the same great person he was- and he still looks as young as ever. Or maybe it is just his american blood :P The presence of God could be felt vibrating offthe walls of in indoor stadium while just outside at the national stadium the national day parade rehersal was going on. How fitting, indeed the Festival of Praise is planned to coincide as close to our nation's birthday as possible to remind us of the goodness god has done for Singapore.

And I bought his new CD ^_^ Haha- my com's cd drive is spoilt so cannot do anything to it, but I can listen to it in my room (hohoho). the CCC band was there too, but I think they are abit too wild for the liking of some (like me). Ps Chia was up on stage ^_^ So kewl haha- but Mervin wasnt there. I was Ditched by my cell la- pfft... Then end up going solo... only today did Reuben and QX go (I think). Our cell is so stonage haha.

So excited for this coming week ^_^ Its going to be a real cool week haha! But troublesome nevertheless. Ill stop here for now, its late, more tomorrow!

Quote of e Post:
This is our lives... on Holiday!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Im supposed to be writing stuff for PW now but heck, this beat written report anyday. I dont know who still reads this and I dont really care so Im writing on anyway. The tagboard is down, I dont want to replace it, there's no point, it is and will stay empty.

Came across this quote site online and began browsing...

Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents by their first names.

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend: they ask you for their number
(cuz they can't remember it!)

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life story

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you

How true it seems- I miss the ol days. Tough isnt it? Where have all those days gone, not that they were perfect or smooth sailing. Just that, we're so far away aren't we? HArd to imagine how two people so difference can (could have?) be so close. JC - ITE, Mugger (not really) - Clubber, Strict lifestyle - Carefree, Rigid - Flexible. And a million and one more.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."

The dark... you can say Im from the "light" and you're from the "dark" yet, I dont really want to rescue you do I? Running away- into the darkness, or the light, they both dont seem too different, now and then. The grey areas are the best, or so they seem. The darkness scares me, but you embrace it. I havent known anything but the light ever since I was born, you taught me to be balanced. I know if you read this pot, the asterisks and hexes wil start flying over this bullsh*t. I can imagine it already, that would be so you.

"No matter how serious life gets you still need those ones you can be absolutly stupid with..."

I guess that's whats missing eh? Being stupid- time to be stupid, I think I have forgotten how =/ heh. Forgotten how to be stupid. Today someone asked me "Did you show any sign of remorse?" I think- I dont know how to show remorse... I only know anger, joy, envy, confusion, lust, spite, relief, tense and emotionless i think. That isnt not so bad is it? What is remorse? Sadness? No- just a blank.

Wake me Up when this Lecture Ends - Faust
(Based on "Wake me up when September Ends" by Green Day)

The bell has come and passed
Concentration never lasts
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Like the tutors walking past
Fifteen minutes gone so fast
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Here comes econs again
The graphs turn into stars
Drenched in those facts again
Stoning's who we are

As my weary eyes rest
I cannot forget what I lost
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

The bell has come and passed
Remember History never lasts
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Take out your text again
Which act did we stop at then?
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Here comes our ST again
Thundering down the stairs
Dragged to my feet again
Awaking with a start

There goes my needed rest
Copying notes that ive lost
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Lunch break has come and passsed
Drinking water never lasts
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

Like the tutors walking pass
Sixty minutes gone so fast
Wake me up when this Lecture ends
Wake me up when this Lecture ends
Wake me up when this Lecture ends

A little bit of comedy I got as an idea for long ago but never got round to doing *beams* feeling perky. Im off, melancholy is a state of mind.

Quote of e Post:
As we call on Your name would You make this a place for Your glory to dwell?