Friday, December 30, 2005

For Iron Forge!

Hey! Its the 30th of December, meaning, GASP! 2005 is ending in ONE DAY!! -screams- Haha, I'm finally moving on in more ways then one, from zone 3a to tetiary and then from sec sch to jc. There are so many changes and yet I feel myself that in me nothing has changed, im still the book engrossed, anime loving, manga collecting, song humming, game playing me from all those years ago. It's been what? 5 years? And you'd expect some things to change.

And change they have, some things that is. But now, I'm still not sure WHAT those things are but when the time comes, you'll realise.

Haha, my MSN nick has been raising a few eyebrows, "The Little Prince"?? Huh? Save for the PCSS people it might not mean much. Its a book actually, I did i for sec 2 lit and over the years well, it kind of got lost in my house, a week back or so when I was forced to throw out stuff from my room I came across my old lit notes and *poof* there you have it. The origin. I'm still looking for that book.

Been spending my days like free haha, that sounded odd, nvm. Just play the whole day, If you dont see me online, i'm appearing offline so just drop me an e-mail. If I dont make a move after say 15 minutes I'm either playing a game or out =P But that was quite commonsense wasn't it?

MMMMMM... Chipsmore cnow choc cookies, fascinating. But at 5:30pm? Dang, i'll spoil my appetite for dinner but -lalala It tastes so good!! And so sweet :P Tasty tAsty taSty tasTy tastY TASTY! Im mental now, got to go off, three's cell later on, maybe more tonight. Happy new year!

Quote of e Post:
Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sum of all Beers, uh I mean - nevermind

Alright, I'll post, I'll post! ive been so lazy to because there is so much to recount!! So i'll make the recounts LIGHTNING FAST!

Camp! A few words sums it up really well- Great move, bad food, Phil! and fun! God moved awesomely, even Rachel said it was so true, never before starting from session one did the gears begin to tick and turn into full spin so soon. The food was horrid! In terms of choice that is, but dont think the quality was far ahead, it lagged not far behind! *bleagh* Phil (Newman) was out speaker, he had the girls all (alright, not all but too many to count) going goo goo ga ga. They even staked out the swimming pool! But sadly he's attached, to an asian! But everyone can agree she aint half as pretty as any we can find in Singapore :P Maybe that's cos there are so few asians in Australia... and finally, Fun! THe commitee was awesome, in terms of the things they did and the people themselves, hey so what if some things flopped? They did better than I expected them to- Never judge a book by it's cover

Oh yea- one more thing? FERRARI 550 BARCHETTA PININFARINA! Dont get it? Dont worry if you dont then you dont, and you shouldn't *wink* Kawaii teichou! -dont worry abt that k? Im wiser now =) Thnx Paula!

Next event, CCC! Celebrate Christmas for the Community! More Rangers fun ^_^ Set up booths and all, even manned a booth, very fun, hope to help out again next year!! And in a woosh- CCIS! Again! I absolutely adore the color orange you know? And this year's CCIs shirt is - you guessed it! ORANGE! But I didnt get 1, cos Cecelia registered us late *sobbish* Nevermind! I wear my dad's heehee :P

CCIS was fun kay, I was assigned as Paragon stagehand and ended up beeing stagehand cum bodyguard (literally xD) cum crowd control. I wont go into the details but QX is one nifty little fella :D NExt up, RR Christmas celebration, shiok just plenty of mindless fun- caroling rocks "Hark the herald angels sing-"

And CHRISTMAS! Woosh! Sadly the Golgari, Boros and Selesnya were slogging their heads off on Christmas morn, they were supposed to go for servie with me. OBK was a riot as per usual, he never gets old does he? Water Baptism service after, woosh, so fast one year gone! And Ive grown so much and learnt so many lessons, took so many knocks. Three cheers for KK, zhiming, Jeremy and Jiawen! =)

After service HG2 (without Paula and Dilys, Paula had a family thing, Dilys? PS us for Serene and Jojo, nvm- no harm done) even Joel was there ^_^ Uriah tagged along, he made up a good deal of the fun. Went around talking, oh oh! We ate lunch at Carl's Jr. the burgers are HUGE ok? I have pics but that has to wait cos my camera is with Jonathan:p- and they taste G-O-O-D. So what if they cost a chunk more, they give a to mroe too, did I mention drinks were free flow? :P

After that we went off to find Dilys, picked her up as HG2 left to look for Joel's wallet (he was buying one) and me + Uriah and Dilys ran off to Orchard for-- CCIS again! This time with the Rangers as part of the VIP escort (kind of like last year but slackier) Sadly I got the backstage entrance, on one hand, it was the most slack, on the other hand I didnt get to watch the show :( And there are swarms of silly people who kep looking at the performers behind and we had to shoo them and say "The stage is in front! this is the back stage!" Hah! Almost missed Christmas dinner, only managed to slavage a leg of chicken and more to come-

THe day after Christmas- zone camp! Wow so packed :) Changi resort or something, we got a bungalow to ourselves, rather cool if not for the remote place and the size of it, tiny! Guys slept downstairs on the floor outside the kitchen, girls got thr two upper rooms with air condition, did I mentio nthey had beds, blankets and pillows? Booya! No problem, although it was kinds warm and hot the camp itself was cool! Passioners 0wned until something somewhere o well

I must comment the ZC commitee they were excellent despite looking so stressed and there wasn't much lacking at all. Geroge Ong spoke on day 1 while Cecelia spoke on day 2, so guilty eek! wont say why :P Our skit was awesome ok? Meryl is such a self sacrificing person HAHA- it was her idea and she took it willingly *shrug* alas we were no match for Caleb's "man-ness" hohoho inside jokes abound ^_^

Broke camp and made a long weary way home yesterday... now life will be quit backto normal but -hey wait? What's that envelope? A letteR? "On government Service" OOh! It was from SRJC! I'm in for PAE ^_^ Under the- science course?? Oo Oh man, my muddling has got me into a muddle this time, nevermind, I just try first =) Orientation Group is Thebes Y(Gamma), this sounds like fun ^_^ 4th Jan is the day! Can't wait-

so fast woosh! It is 9th December! 2005 is coming to an end! Though it was not as emotional or memorable as last year (2004 will always be a year close to my heart) it was still a note-worthy year having finally rotated out of Secondary school, when I should have one year back, the guilt stays and the memories flood back. I wonder how everyone is doing? I wonder how many people I still remember, or should I say, how many people still remember me-

Oh oh! Haha how to forget this, m new computer has arrived, a week after my old com crashed and was RIP for good, that accounts for one week after curch camp that I didnt blog ^.^ I just love the christmas dinner alas by the time I returned from zone camp the fabulous chicken was all ogne! And so were the ribs, nevermind! The ham endures and i'll make do with that -sniff but that chicken was heavenly... mmmm

I'll post all my picture later from camp and so on, till then wait for my next post kay? Bye! I miss you all tons and tons -Goodbye to 2005

Quote of e Post:
Work Work, Something need doing?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Kill me too

Yoo hoo! Its been far too long really, tsk tsk, without my presence this place is really going to the dogs! I guess I need to do my part too, after all, posting is what I like to do isnt it? ^_^

Its been far too long since I last blogged I wont even bother to count. Time really flies ^_^ Church Camp is like coming this Sunday!! And Im not even packed! But no fear! I'll pack now (After this post even though I DO REALISE it would be about 1am then) Im so excited! And anticipating some great things to happen there, after all, this year our youth committee seems a wee bit how do I put it, fresh?

Ahhh- fresh meat =x Oops i mean umm fresh blood yea, new ideas and stuff yes yes thats what I meant ^_^U

Agh, my computer still cant recognise my digital camera =.= but great news everyone! I'll be gettign a new com in December ^_^ Its not all that fantastic but at least its far better then this one and oh- it has a wooping 160GB of space, I dont know what to make it that =.= MY father must be quite mad to get me so much space but -who cares!- free space is good! More free space is gooder! ^_^

I think I'll stop here. I just realised I ahve lost contact with so many people over these few weeks between Os and after the Os. I guess there is more to life then that dumb piece of paper (which will be quie a flop when I get it back Im sure) Anyhoo, Im ending here. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
If one day, I were to becoem like him, please... Kill me too