Thursday, May 09, 2013

Post Exam Ack-tivity

I tend to forget I even own a blog most days. Today however is not one of those days, today I am not feeling my best- not by a long shot.

Been battling a fever for the past day or two, a low grade one that gets higher in the evening (highest recorded was 37.9 deg, not really high by any account) and makes one feel like a slug. I just want to lie down and wrap myself up in blankets all day (which I did today). Only got up to drink water and use the bathroom, didn't really eat in terms of lunch but the Panadol did its trick and I felt perky for dinner (the perkiness wore off on the way home and I'm sluggish again).

Apparently you aren't supposed to drink cold water or take cold baths if you have a slight fever. Also, a low grade fever can be combated with- wait for it- spicy food. Not too much but enough to make one perspire enough and keep oneself cool. Huh. Well, the fever is accompanied by bouts of hacking cough that try to expel viscous pale green phlegm from my throat. My throat, which is annoying me to no end- it has ruined my voice, limited my ability to eat and drink PLUS makes me cough ever so much that I can't do anything in peace. I dont even feel like playing games, thats from someone who once came home from the doctors with a high fever and spent the day off school sweating it out with FF8.

Nutrition wise I'm sadly at the down cycle of my food stock and what I do have at home is hardly fever friendly. Nachos? No. Prata? No. Milk? No. Cheese? No. Cereal? Without milk? No. Digestives? Kind of dry. Canned soup? Maybe. Thats about it- no fruits, no vegetables except bean sprouts, snow peas and salted vegetables (which I stir fried yesterday with relatively acceptable results). Reading up, I'm supposed to avoid meat and starchy food. So no rice, noodles and I shouldn't think of touching any of the frozen meats or ham either. I do so crave some thing soup now though, onion broth or something.

I want to thank God that this only struck the day AFTER my last exam paper, yep the illness waited for me to do all the mugging I wanted before invading. So now im on holiday and spending my new found freedom lazing at home because I'm too puckered to go out.

I want to go to Tim Ho Wan, and watch movies, go jog again (ha!) and continue practicing things I have not spent enough time on. This holiday I'm also "supposed" to: learn driving, get a job or internship, attend camp and plan a missions trip. Plenty to do. And none of which involves me being incapacitated, in bed, with my head in my hands. Good job body.

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