Monday, October 01, 2012

We are books x Relic x Currency

Our lives are just collections of stories accumulated day by tedious day. Some are stories of insurmountable odds, few are tales of a better age and fewer still are of those of glorious triumph. Many will end up unrecorded in its mundanity for each chapter would be indistinguishable from the last. My only fear is that we last our whole volumes never being more than a footnote in another collection. And as a set will will gather dust as humanity, sitting on separate ends of the shelf never to be browsed and understood together.

- scribbled during a ride on the shuttle bus on the way home from school one day, no idea why. Must have been particularly pensive.

I recently resurrected my old OLD laptop- the one with a 20 minute battery life. I've forgotten how much I loved typing on this keypad for its tactile feedback, classic click clack of keys popping up and down and most of all, how easy it is to differentiate the different keys by touch. The macbook pro is great and all but i have a lot of trouble making out the keys when they're all flat- after a while i just have to look at the keyboard to make sure im actually pressing something.

This old thing is a TREASURE TROVE of stuff, buried and forgotten stuff, music (all that anisong trance lol what was I thinking), pictures (photos from events at least five years past) and old documents, presentations and schoolwork. I actually used this for a few week when school began BEFORE my mac arrived. Wow that was two years ago >.< 

This sem has been great, no really. I'm having a lot of fun learning new things that i'll probably never employ. Like political thought, and US foreign policy. Contemporary and alternative medicine I MAY have some chance to use but probably not (i don't trust myself even if i trust the science behind it). Which leaves me with the two modules that ACTUALLY are relevant... publication design and news writing. Both are described as BANES OF MY EXISTENCE but I do really umm enjoy (not quite the term) the things I get to learn through them- hard but rewarding work.

New season of shows are up! Brilliant. HIMYM, BBT and Glee are back in full force, I've picked up Elementary (its not really impressive after "Sherlock") and will be clearing my backlog of Breaking Bad and Doctor Who.

For anyone looking for a quick short burst of entertainment I recommend "Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog" starring Niel Patrick Harris of Barney (HIMYM) fame and *gasp* Felicia Day of The Guild fame. So pretty! :D Can't wait for season 6 of the Guild to come out- oh and yes do check out The Guild (all on youtube) for an entertaining webseries (and to support the very beautiful and talented Felicia Day)

And I really do not wait up to wish people happy birthday at 12am, I just happen to still be awake (like i mostly am) and see that it is a new day with fb telling me its your birthday. If it were really a big deal I wouldnt use FB (unless I lost your number in which case id be very embarrassed and not dare ask for it again)

Time to sleep. Second half of year 3 semester 1 beckons.


Sunday, August 12, 2012


I remember trying to find this for years and finally I managed to dredge it up from some obscure corner of the internet. Hail Secondary school kids who don't throw their hand outs away!


There was a time, not long ago,
When other flags flew in Singapore
The British flag in colonial rule,
And the Japanese flag in war.

There was no freedom, no justice,
When our forefathers stepped ashore.
Life was a struggle, bitter and hard.
And families were hungry and poor.

They spoke a dozen different tongues,
Though their dreams were all the same.
But their hopes for a better life were lost
When war and invasion came.

They had no rights, they had no say,
And they longed to be free one day.

After the war, we called for change,
For the right to decide our fate.
Some of us wanted democracy;
Others, a Communist state.

Riots and killings in our streets,
Years of hate and fear.
People said we’d never survive
As independence drew near.

When self-rule came, we took a vote
And joined Malaysia, merged as one.
But even friends disagree sometime,
And more trouble had soon begun.

Our happiness was not to be
Until our country could be free

August nine, nineteen sixty five,
We were out of Malaysia…alone!
Against all odds we had to build
A nation of our own.

We’ve come this far, by ourselves,
One people from many lands.
Our forefathers paid the price for us;
Now the future is in our hands.

This is our home, where we belong,
And our flag flies high and free.
But let’s not take for granted
What we have will always be.

We pledge to keep our nation free
With justice and equality...



Sunday, January 08, 2012

Seed x Ending x Touched

Rewatching Seed~

Anna ni issho datta no ni - "We were so close together... "- Gundam Seed -

Words: Ishikawa Chiaki
Music/Composition: Kajiura Yuki
Performed by: See-Saw

We were so close together, but the twilight has a different color now.
The abundance of kindness only keeps a distance between us.
Our coldly ignored hearts are wandering in the midst.
If this awkwardness is what it's like to live,
we shall close our eyes under the cold sky.

Even though we were so close together,
We can't even get a word across between our increasing distances.
Even though we were so close together, the twilight has a different color now.
Please, give us a quiet sleep under the moon light, if it is the last thing possible.

If you are going to cope with fate,
you can't go on saying you are sad or lonely.
Even if it means to break the links of words we have made together,
you would still want to say goodbye to the dull nights.

Even though they were so close together,
the unmatched couple have no place they can reach.
Even though we were so close together, in a glimpse of your new face,
I am fascinated, almost as though it is strange, almost enough that I would feel uneasiness.

Where lie our hearts?
Where are we drifting off to?
So that our eyes do not become lost.

Even though we were so close together,
We can't even get a word across between our increasing distances.
Even though we were so close together, the twilight has a different color now.
Please, give us a quiet sleep under the moon light, if it is the last thing possible.

I'm tired, I just want a quiet sleep under the clear moonlight.

Christmass x 2011 x Blessings

This (well, last) year around Christmas I actually got down to writing cards and packing gifts- and while I did have some time after round up to prep I didn't have a whole lot of time. So if you got a card, be glad cos I really just thought of you (all). These people are pretty special amongst all the special people (and you know it)- but for the others whom I had no chance to meet or time to prepare for... Christmas's 12 days are O-V-E-R ),:

I dare say I've been blessed in 2011, blessed with experience and achievement. Yet as another year draws to a close I wonder what 2012 will hold. Time is running out faster and faster and yet these hands barely held anything.

To the boys who moved up today- I'm sorry that I don't have much to say in the form of farewells or wishes. I am equally ashamed of the praises unrightfully given for I have added nothing of value to these lives. Knowing and helping nothing of their problems and fears, much less being able to speak a timely word. The new sec2 know my weaknesses, flaunting them openly- even in jest it stings that these kids can get the best of me.

To you all, I wish all the best- your lives are clearly marked, bright and promising. There is nothing this husk can give with only old cold winds rattling weakly past these brittle ribs of mine. And at this point I ask myself one thing- Decision, delusion or despair?

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Music x Library x Memories

Listening to music it dawned upon me that every song on this library at one point in time or other was lovingly repeated and memorized, providing motivation, pleasure and maybe even comfort. Skipping over them now to reach the song or album of the moment can be considered thoughtless, or cruel even. Or shall we sidestep passing through them entirely by making a custom playlist- completely ignoring the existence of the rest of that library. Are people like that to one another as well?