Monday, January 10, 2011

Lime Green

I have posted here in a long long time. In the sense that a real post would include some part of my being poured into this page. Life works in funny ways, I still have yet to come to the complete realization and acceptance that our life is one continual flow day after day, in which everyone lives in at the exact same time. The person on your left or right is as "person" as you are to yourself, they have lives they have troubles, feelings and opinions. They are not just 2D backdrops for you to live out your life upon. It is quite hard to come to terms with that concept.

Today the girl with the lime green bag re-appeared. Fiona, the last I remember of her was from J2 before the study break. I don't even remember her coming down on results day- I was too preoccupied thanking God for my results. That- that phenomena right there is what is stopping me, it is what is hindering me from going forward any more in anything I do at all- to focus on others and realize they are all lives as well. Taking an interest in the lives of others. I suddenly realized that I knew nothing about my fellow classmates or friends, and still know nothing now. When she suddenly popped up after 3 years one fine evening I was at a loss.

What did I know of these people I spent 2 years with long ago? Nothing. I hope this is a start of something. It is exciting when people from my different facts of life clash, it gives validity to the past experiences I had. That these people I knew back then are real, that they were not figments of my imagination. That also the people I know now are as real. Or as false.

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