Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A post in which I talk about something only I read about

I so so SO want to watch the YGO 10th Anniversary movie :( Yugi is back but more importantly, Judai is back! Super Fusion- bonds transcending time, the heroes for all 3 series come together to combat a common threat from the future! Magician beats + Warrior toolbox / Fusion toolbox + Synchro turbo :3 all delicious, can't wait to see what new tricks each of the old characters have.

Black Magician, Neos and Stardust have their work cut out for them- the "signature" creature keeps getting better and better. I mean sure black magic curtain, thousand knives~ then we move on to Neos. What the hell happened to now making broken things? Neos force, Oversoul, Force of Neos! Then stardust, with starlight road, assault mode, majestic star dragon and and umm ok no DIRECT support but it has crazy pseudo-support like tuners that special summon its own material and generally all normal synchro support. Not to mention Stardust is actually a big threat in play as a beater, with evasion and the best thing? It is special summoned by pure virtue of it being a synchro monster. Brilliant.

Its been so long so I am going to rant here like the yugioh otaku I am.

5Ds isn't a great storyline series, but it is an amazing card gameplay series. GX was a great storyline series with a little too much filler but the gameplay at times was how to say- flexible to suit story needs. Lets not mention the original ygo series when we talk about gameplay, they made all the rules on their own out of thin air. GX gave us actual powerful and playable character cards that have lasted the test of time like Stratos, Ground Mole, dandylion, Cyber Dragon and even LNDD to mention a few from both the anime and manga whereas 5Ds have given us broken, unadulterated win in the form of synchros. Stardust, Goyo Guardian, Black Rose Dragon and Thought rule archfiend to mention a few, non synchro wise they gave us the Black Feather archtype, Deformers and an entirely new subtype- the psychics. The duels make more sense then the previous series whose characters used some really crappy cards just for the sake of staying in character- or in theme. The decks the 5Ds characters use and build are far more well suited to today's meta and climate- many of the the cards and combos presented are not only effective and simple but practical to actual field use!

As much as I loved Judai's fusion pulling stunts I adore Yusei's dueling tricks. He gets out of tight scrapes really well without the use of overly strange cards (Alright there are one or two really odd anime only cards that are so situational it wouldn't be worth the paper it would be printed on) and gets suitable beaten up. True the god draw element is still there especially when he topdecks in the early episodes, that draw and grin always gets to me- kind of how Judai's classic move is the field-less bubbleman into handless Hope of Fifth into cocoon party into contact into contact fusion, contact out and miracle contact ftw. Way too far fetched- especially when we begin to throw in the idea that Super Fusion allows him to take material from BOTH sides of the field. Nevertheless that was how Rainbow neos, Neos wiseman and many of his Evil heroes were created. Did I neglect to mention Judai has the most different deck types of all three antagonists? He started out with a vanilla E-Hero fusion beatdown then changed gear into a E-hero fusion toolbox, after which he swapped out for a Neo-spacian toolbox and then a contact fusion turbo deck- which he swapped out totally again as Haou Judai for a evil hero beatdown deck that became a variation of his Heroes toolbox with BOTH E-heroes and Neo-spacians. Yugi only went from Warrior and magician beatdown to Magician toolbox with Orisis support turbo.

Swoon. Haha I can really get into it when talking about something no one else cares to hear about. Sigh- if only the world REALLY were run by a childrens card game. Duel academia would L-O-V-E me and I'd definitely enjoy being a Obelisk Blue student. Oh well.

Makemagic is an addictive song, as the theme song of the 10th Anni movie it lives up to its pump and beat but after looking for the translation to its lyrics I begin to doubt. Are you SURE this is the theme song for a shonen anime movie feature? I'll let the fans decide, since I can't understand the song in its natural form I'll just enjoy the feel and not think about what the words I'm rocking to mean. Man those meanings are a pump beater.

Looking forward to Tag Force 5 if there is going to be one. For now I'll be milking Tag Force 4 for all its worth.

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