Wednesday, September 17, 2008


WAHA- I'm back! I PASSED!!! 15/9/08 is one day to remember. EIGHT tries! Madness. Well ok yes for those who suddenly checked their calenders it is the 17th because on 15th I stayed the night for island-wide and last night I was too tired and forgot all about posting.

I want the Tour de Japon soundtrack DVD or whatever thingy. Or even better, get the live concert! (But its long over, like 4 years ago). Can't wait for Dissidia and maybe FF-XIII but I don't own a PS3 (I could probably purchase one in a few years time at a greatly reduced cost but what the bleh, by then I think PS2s will be going for like 100 dollars or something)

I'm not a very good Final Fantasy fan x$ Having only played 4, 7, 8, 9 and 7 CC. Not to mention I only completed 7, 9 and 7 CC. Tsk tsk. Well I would do the older ones but they bored me. And the other newer ones are *cough*not *cough* available*cough* on*cough* a *cough*platform-i-own. Well other than XI but that is an mmorpg that no one I know plays so whatever to that.

You people know those online love calculators? Most of them are just trash but a few are more- special. Special like in malicious. Well yess that IS kind of cute in a way but its all in the privacy policy if you boyther to read it.

[This part is LIFTED]
Terms of Use
Welcome to [name of some stupid site]. We hope you enjoy our site.

Information Collected by [the same stupid site]
When you use the Secret-loves Calculator, everything typed at the web form will be transmitted to the owner of the link. If you do not agree to this, please do not fill in anything.

By accessing this website and/or the use of the service therein, you expressly permit, authorize and give consent to the CrushCalculator website to share information about you or provided by you to any third party.
[End of the LIFTED trash]

You see, it seems like harmless fun, well it seemed like harmless fun say about 3 years ago! But now, I'm not so sure. Perhaps once one has nothing to lose, many things become quite funny in retrospect.

And if you ever do find a real working love calculator let me know. I have to find the creator because Im searching for God :)

Quote of e Post:
Dare to be stupid!

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