The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)
I never knew
I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a queue
To turn and run when all I needed was the truth
But that's how it's got to be
It's coming down to nothing more than apathy
I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears and
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind
Let's rearrange
I wish you were a stranger I could disengage
Just say that we agree and then never change
Soften a bit until we all just get along
But that's disregard
You find another friend and you discard
As you lose the argument in a cable car
Hanging above as the canyon comes between and
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on
And suddenly I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part that don't last
I'm losing you and its effortless
Without a sound we lose sight of the ground
In the throw around
Never thought that you wanted to bring it down
I won't let it go down till we torch it ourselves
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind
Everyone knows
She's on your mind
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
I'm in over my head
I'm over my
Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind
Favorite song of the moment.
What more need I say? I am speechless. Let the music speak for me.
Quote of e Post:
I won't let it go till we torch it ourselves
It's my life, I live it only once. Thank goodness, I wouldn't want to live it again. For all who know me or do not. Live is short, make the most out of it, cos you never know...
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hey there
June 18 2007- 4:20pm
8 days to the first paper. And its history at that. I hate history. Why do we wonderful South East Asian people have to do so many complicated things. Yea, independence is dandy and sweet but tsk- do less please! For the sake of your descendants who have to memorize what you accomplished T_T
Then there's econs and lit both of which are as fine as pie. Not easy but tasty. Definitely not as dry as history. I need a light-speed rescue!! What for? I don't know haha. I'm random now. Cos I'm stuck at home with my father... who took leave cos he has to send his car for servicing. And mom went out shopping. And they say they have no time to clear up the place and stuff, whats up with that?
I'm totally unmotivated to hit the books. Actually I'm not motivated to do anything haha. Other then flop here- haha. Come on God! Throw me one, give me something to work for. The previous one was just screwy so lets forget that alright? How many roads must a blind man take before he loses his way?
A little stupid something I found...
To Women, Men are like:
Laxatives - Irritate the CRAP out of you
Parking Slots - Good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped
Commercials - You cant believe a word they say
Weather - Nothing can be done to change them
Chocolate - Sweet Smooth and they usually go for your hips
Mascara - They usually run at the 1st sign of emotion
Lava Lamps - Fun to Look at but not very bright
(I read that off someone's shirt before...)
Uh what the... Thats really comforting. Someone ought to contact the AFPFL. No, not the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (See? I am revising history) but the Ant-Feminist People's Freedom League. Those buggers are going to kill all of us men. Like literally.
Haha- did you know did you know did you know? Kellogs Frosties are imba sources of sugar~ ho ho ho. Eat a small box, and I dare you to try to fall asleep if you can at all. Hyperion beam maximum hyper cyclone nuclear unilateral nonsensical energy blastoff! WARNING: Too much sugar in you with no where for it to go can make you very irritable.
Everyone's in camp. Elhannah is right, this camp is going to be weird. The usual groupings have been messed up because so many people aren't going. Yea I'm a guilty party. Then again, they'll probably survive without each other so yea- tomorrow night is the campfire. Should I go? I really feel like going thought. Even though we don't exactly talk alot. Just seeing you online in comforting in itself.
Quote of e Post:
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got trains and planes and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
8 days to the first paper. And its history at that. I hate history. Why do we wonderful South East Asian people have to do so many complicated things. Yea, independence is dandy and sweet but tsk- do less please! For the sake of your descendants who have to memorize what you accomplished T_T
Then there's econs and lit both of which are as fine as pie. Not easy but tasty. Definitely not as dry as history. I need a light-speed rescue!! What for? I don't know haha. I'm random now. Cos I'm stuck at home with my father... who took leave cos he has to send his car for servicing. And mom went out shopping. And they say they have no time to clear up the place and stuff, whats up with that?
I'm totally unmotivated to hit the books. Actually I'm not motivated to do anything haha. Other then flop here- haha. Come on God! Throw me one, give me something to work for. The previous one was just screwy so lets forget that alright? How many roads must a blind man take before he loses his way?
A little stupid something I found...
To Women, Men are like:
Laxatives - Irritate the CRAP out of you
Parking Slots - Good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped
Commercials - You cant believe a word they say
Weather - Nothing can be done to change them
Chocolate - Sweet Smooth and they usually go for your hips
Mascara - They usually run at the 1st sign of emotion
Lava Lamps - Fun to Look at but not very bright
(I read that off someone's shirt before...)
Uh what the... Thats really comforting. Someone ought to contact the AFPFL. No, not the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (See? I am revising history) but the Ant-Feminist People's Freedom League. Those buggers are going to kill all of us men. Like literally.
Haha- did you know did you know did you know? Kellogs Frosties are imba sources of sugar~ ho ho ho. Eat a small box, and I dare you to try to fall asleep if you can at all. Hyperion beam maximum hyper cyclone nuclear unilateral nonsensical energy blastoff! WARNING: Too much sugar in you with no where for it to go can make you very irritable.
Everyone's in camp. Elhannah is right, this camp is going to be weird. The usual groupings have been messed up because so many people aren't going. Yea I'm a guilty party. Then again, they'll probably survive without each other so yea- tomorrow night is the campfire. Should I go? I really feel like going thought. Even though we don't exactly talk alot. Just seeing you online in comforting in itself.
Quote of e Post:
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got trains and planes and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ask, Believe, Beyond
Heya peoples!! Ive been BUSY BUSY BUSY so I havent blogged- aww but its ok, im back now! :D
Holiday lessons are nonsense, who wants to talk about that? So lets move on~
YOUTH CAMP 200&!! :D
Initially, I was dead stunned when the news came that I was a tribe leader (like what?) with only a week's notice. But my other delicious fellow tribe leaders in the family of PATIENCE, namely Jonavan and Matthew (Ok, sudden background info time- there were 4 families, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience. Each family has 3 tribes for a total of all the 12 tribes of Israel) made it so easy and fun. Thanks Regina too for being our wonderful family leader, she really gives us so much support the three of us just had such a great time.
Anyway, rush rush identity making cheer thinking and spam packing aside the camp was awesome. Although the place was rather shabby and the dining area was always infested with flies (not that Id be really concerned but it does make for a major put off, then again, the food isnt much to be enthusiastic about either) the important thing in the camp was not the food or the amenities. It was totally and solely God. Words cannot begin to express what happened. So gladto see Ps Rachel again and that she's fine. All I can say now on is ASK... BELIEVE... BEYOND.
And now it pales in comparison that PATIENCE WON. Its ok Joel, Peace was wonderful, I pray your voice get better before Friday k?
Shout out Thank You to...
God for the entire camp and everything in life
Ps Rachel for being a radical speaker
Ps Aaron for orchestrating the entire camp
Anthony and his committee for planning and executing a wonderful camp
Norman for being a gosu roomie
Joel for being stiff competition
Anna for being another threat all the way
Jake for his three billion cheers
Regina for supporting the entire family constantly
Matthew for his immense effort that made us victors and the beautiful overnight flag
Jonavan for being enthusiastic and lively before and during the camp and also for leading e P&W
Reuben for leading worship also and their respective bands
The young adults for their help through the camp
Paula for your encouragement and support
The entire Joseph tribe for being supportive and enthusiastic
Cecelia for encouraging me and guiding me along the camp
Xiuling for helping me out of many a tight spot as my wonderful assistant leader
Conrad for being lame and there
Jonathan for being super supportive and helpful
The entire Patience family for a job well done
Somerset hotel staff doe putting up with our crap haha
And the coach drivers who patiently brough us to and fro :)
Thast about it, if i majorly missed out anyone feel free to spam me, I'll put it in k? Signing off!
Quote of e Post:
An new song I'll sing
Lord I will glorify and bless Your holy name
Holiday lessons are nonsense, who wants to talk about that? So lets move on~
YOUTH CAMP 200&!! :D
Initially, I was dead stunned when the news came that I was a tribe leader (like what?) with only a week's notice. But my other delicious fellow tribe leaders in the family of PATIENCE, namely Jonavan and Matthew (Ok, sudden background info time- there were 4 families, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience. Each family has 3 tribes for a total of all the 12 tribes of Israel) made it so easy and fun. Thanks Regina too for being our wonderful family leader, she really gives us so much support the three of us just had such a great time.
Anyway, rush rush identity making cheer thinking and spam packing aside the camp was awesome. Although the place was rather shabby and the dining area was always infested with flies (not that Id be really concerned but it does make for a major put off, then again, the food isnt much to be enthusiastic about either) the important thing in the camp was not the food or the amenities. It was totally and solely God. Words cannot begin to express what happened. So gladto see Ps Rachel again and that she's fine. All I can say now on is ASK... BELIEVE... BEYOND.
And now it pales in comparison that PATIENCE WON. Its ok Joel, Peace was wonderful, I pray your voice get better before Friday k?
Shout out Thank You to...
God for the entire camp and everything in life
Ps Rachel for being a radical speaker
Ps Aaron for orchestrating the entire camp
Anthony and his committee for planning and executing a wonderful camp
Norman for being a gosu roomie
Joel for being stiff competition
Anna for being another threat all the way
Jake for his three billion cheers
Regina for supporting the entire family constantly
Matthew for his immense effort that made us victors and the beautiful overnight flag
Jonavan for being enthusiastic and lively before and during the camp and also for leading e P&W
Reuben for leading worship also and their respective bands
The young adults for their help through the camp
Paula for your encouragement and support
The entire Joseph tribe for being supportive and enthusiastic
Cecelia for encouraging me and guiding me along the camp
Xiuling for helping me out of many a tight spot as my wonderful assistant leader
Conrad for being lame and there
Jonathan for being super supportive and helpful
The entire Patience family for a job well done
Somerset hotel staff doe putting up with our crap haha
And the coach drivers who patiently brough us to and fro :)
Thast about it, if i majorly missed out anyone feel free to spam me, I'll put it in k? Signing off!
Quote of e Post:
An new song I'll sing
Lord I will glorify and bless Your holy name
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Signal Fire
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Literature Nerd Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. | |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Anime Nerd | |
Drama Nerd | |
Musician | |
Artistic Nerd | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
LoL, I ALMOST became a Gamer/Computer nerd, Id expected my self to become an Anime Nerd with Gamer/Computer Nerd as close second, not ... this. Haha. And for the record, id take hot chocolate over tea and i like it cold, not toasty cos that makes me very VERY sleepy =/
Be NICE to nerds, one will probably become your boss one day :)
Snow Patrol - Signal Fire
The perfect words never crossed my mind,
'cause there was nothing in there but you,
I felt every ounce of me screaming out,
But the sound was trapped deep in me,
All I wanted just span right past me,
While I was rooted fast to the earth,
I could be stuck here for a thousand years,
Without your arms to drag me out,
* There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this here falls away to leave me naked,
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety
No I wont wait forever
No I wont wait forever
In the confusion and the aftermath,
You are my signal fire,
The only resolution and the only joy,
Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes,
[Repeat * , *]
No I wont wait forever
No I wont wait forever
No I wont wait forever
New addition to one of my favorite songs. (I love the music video :] its so cute) Sigh... Stupid bands, reading our minds and turning them into traitorous songs for the free market. D:
I'm feeling sick... my chest hurts, my throat is killing me and my left leg is in constant pain since last night's cramp attack. I guess its true what they say...
"Grief that finds no vent in tears makes other organs weep" - Dr. Henry Maudsley, British psychiatrist
Quote of e Post:
The youth that battles based on noble intentions
Becomes a beautiful thing due to the fleeting era
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Quiz Quiz!
Haha, im bored. So lets have some fun shall we? Take the quiz! and have fun :)

Create your own Friend Test here
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The journey of thousand steps begins with a pair of socks
Create your own Friend Test here
Quote of e Post:
The journey of thousand steps begins with a pair of socks
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