Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Neogene Creation - First Impressions

Before I start, I wonder which is the song that she said will sing till perspire. I'll try to guess at the end haha.

Very ending theme-esqe. I can see it with images of the characters lying down in a grassy plain or snowy field panning in circles as snow falls softly around them. Thumbs up, first one is a keeper.

Stand Up!
Not my first time hearing it thanks to FNS music festival. This Baseball reference laden anthem is such an upbeat jump from the first track it was a bit jarring but the sheer cheeriness and energy that shines through makes it un-hateable. La lalal la lalalalalalalala- another sing along-er at lives cant go wrong.

Please Download
Gratuitous english in a Japanese song? Unheard of! I jest, this auto-tune-ish sounding song didnt appear to be too appealing when I first heard the small preview but the full song has salvaged some of its listen-ability. I just wonder how this will sound live- I still think this does not do Nana's vocals justice, but only time will tell. Maybe I'll grow to like it Love and hate~

Please download my secret love song.

Alone Arrows
I didn't know what to expect from a title like this but the opening refrain got me pumped ... like a Dog days track! Maybe not quite as grand, but the pacing and progression led me to an opening theme-esque track that is entirely underlaid with a velvety soft layer. Its not that rockish. Sadly forgettable when it ended (maybe lyrics will help with that)

Twist & Tiger
Trumpets! Not Maria &a Joker level but this seems like a good live song. I can picture all that time to run left and right, point at the crowd and pose when the instrumentals are picking up. Short, effective, I like. I like the energy that leaks through the song.

Rock Ride Riot
This will take a few more listens to sink in (I was still distracted by the previous song)
Didn't end the way I felt it would based on the starting. I have no observations this song, it didn't feel memorable, it was dwarfed by its neighbour.

I know I know I know x Yea yea yea yea yea

I like this! This seems more Nana's territory, I can't explain but it sounds right. I can picture the lightstick movement as it goes and that pattern would be right at home in many of Nana's songs. Thats the best way I can describe this. On hindsight the title DID NOT make me expect something of this nature.

The softest track in the album since the first track! This is the only line I managed to type out as I lost focus and before I knew it the song was over, shall warrant many re-listens (pardon).

Unlimited Beat
This didn't start the way I'd thought it would but it quickly became the Symphogear style song I was expecting. The starting caught me off guard, I thought my song order was mixed up. Cant wait to hear this live at Symphogear Live 2017 (well not "live" live). Seems more muted and not as "fierce" compared to the main series songs (it is for a game after all, I do hope the game actually does well, will play for sure). That the "unlimited beat" was part of the "background" rather than part of a lyric (maybe it was but I didnt hear it) was a bit disappointing.

10 Wake Up the Souls
Sure makes one want to get up and move vitality~ give me give [something]
More english but this one actually works towards giving it the push for a song that is designed to be peak and then drop to peak again (not sure if this makes sense).

Live is Beautiful. Sei sei dou dou

11 Starting Now!
Ah it's nice hearing something so familiar! The single from KonoBi has a home now. I really love this song! I still can see the trampoline and speaker setup from the PV when I close my eyes. No first impressions here, feels like the album pivot from here into a different direction. The power level is going to go up here on.

12 Gloria
The grand sounding title did not disappoint- super insert song vibes. For a new song it sure strung me along all the way. The tone and feel reminded of something else but I was enjoying the ride all the way so that feeling didnt bug me, instead it accentuated that this was more familiar ground (which isnt necessarily bad). I want this Live too!

13 Rodeo Cowgirl
This album is full of mismatched titles to song "contents", but this also took me on a pleasurable ride, like a rather safe thing that goes on music shows full of smiles and cute poses while giving her the opportunity to exercise her vocal acrobatics. It gets my seal of approval, I wouldn't skip over this song if it comes up on shuffle.

Dont be afraid~ Dont give up~

14 君よ叫べ
This sound reminds me a lot of some other song. It isn't quite coming to me now but there is the strong nagging to run the tune in my head a bit and it runs off into a different song altogether. One that will probably grow on me and into its own.

15 絶対的幸福論
We've had the benefit of watching this MV before the album released, and it was a very healing clip. The full song itself carries the same healing properties, no shocking changes here, just straight up good feels and spine chilling vibes. I was happy being carried on each wave of the song's build up. Love the little stop and hum near the end.

That wraps up my first impressions of Neogene Creation! I'll be waiting for my copy to arrive, its almost 2am, and I'm dead tired. I shall take a listen with a fresh ear again when I wake up.