Monday, October 01, 2012

We are books x Relic x Currency

Our lives are just collections of stories accumulated day by tedious day. Some are stories of insurmountable odds, few are tales of a better age and fewer still are of those of glorious triumph. Many will end up unrecorded in its mundanity for each chapter would be indistinguishable from the last. My only fear is that we last our whole volumes never being more than a footnote in another collection. And as a set will will gather dust as humanity, sitting on separate ends of the shelf never to be browsed and understood together.

- scribbled during a ride on the shuttle bus on the way home from school one day, no idea why. Must have been particularly pensive.

I recently resurrected my old OLD laptop- the one with a 20 minute battery life. I've forgotten how much I loved typing on this keypad for its tactile feedback, classic click clack of keys popping up and down and most of all, how easy it is to differentiate the different keys by touch. The macbook pro is great and all but i have a lot of trouble making out the keys when they're all flat- after a while i just have to look at the keyboard to make sure im actually pressing something.

This old thing is a TREASURE TROVE of stuff, buried and forgotten stuff, music (all that anisong trance lol what was I thinking), pictures (photos from events at least five years past) and old documents, presentations and schoolwork. I actually used this for a few week when school began BEFORE my mac arrived. Wow that was two years ago >.< 

This sem has been great, no really. I'm having a lot of fun learning new things that i'll probably never employ. Like political thought, and US foreign policy. Contemporary and alternative medicine I MAY have some chance to use but probably not (i don't trust myself even if i trust the science behind it). Which leaves me with the two modules that ACTUALLY are relevant... publication design and news writing. Both are described as BANES OF MY EXISTENCE but I do really umm enjoy (not quite the term) the things I get to learn through them- hard but rewarding work.

New season of shows are up! Brilliant. HIMYM, BBT and Glee are back in full force, I've picked up Elementary (its not really impressive after "Sherlock") and will be clearing my backlog of Breaking Bad and Doctor Who.

For anyone looking for a quick short burst of entertainment I recommend "Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog" starring Niel Patrick Harris of Barney (HIMYM) fame and *gasp* Felicia Day of The Guild fame. So pretty! :D Can't wait for season 6 of the Guild to come out- oh and yes do check out The Guild (all on youtube) for an entertaining webseries (and to support the very beautiful and talented Felicia Day)

And I really do not wait up to wish people happy birthday at 12am, I just happen to still be awake (like i mostly am) and see that it is a new day with fb telling me its your birthday. If it were really a big deal I wouldnt use FB (unless I lost your number in which case id be very embarrassed and not dare ask for it again)

Time to sleep. Second half of year 3 semester 1 beckons.
