Sunday, June 27, 2010


What I do before I sleep often affects what I dream about. Watch house, get nightmares, play starcraft get epic battle, read romance novel get sappy story. Of course, the strange and notable ones are when they have NOTHING to do with anything i've ever done.

Tonight I'm hoping for a good dream and that whatever one feels is merely a feeling brought on by external influences. All shall be fine in the morning.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

No regrets

Long overdue. Written the day after but no chance to post up.

Last night for cell Joel shared on regrets, and near the end he asked everyone to write their regrets on a piece of paper and later we'd dispose of it after prayer. While deep in thought as to what to write down i realized something.

While it is true that in our lives there are things that went badly. There are decisions we wish we've never made or things we did that we'd do anything to take back. Some if these things may have even screwed up your life but as for me I don't consider them regrets.

Every trial, every piece of foolishness and duplicity- each choice I made and warning I ignored was and is part of me. All these things and more make up who I am today, it is an ongoing testimony of God's divine planning and miraclous will. If any of those things; however regrettable did not occur I wouldn't be the person I am now.

Every story I have told is an irreplacable part of me. Thus I have no regrets, standing where I am as I am the way I'm meant to be. No tears, no what ifs or could haves. No apologies.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My list of wants just keeps getting longer. Each time my credit seems to catch up time list just magically expands.

Let us see-

Zabee zector
IXA Knuckle
Starcraft 2
MacBook pro
DSLR - don't look at me like that, i'll learn

That's about it- coming up to a crazy 4.7k or so. Apple really drives a hard deal -.- then again. If I DONT push for an iPhone my computer may not need to be a mac. Dunno la.

Nothing much in life surprises me anymore. I guess that is the one failure of growing older- there is nothing more to see.

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