Thursday, January 14, 2010

Be objective minded

How do people stay fast and tough it out when everything goes to hell? What can give a person strength to go on when they are exhausted on all fronts? A belief, a goal- any goal: short term ones are best in the midst of the worst case scenarios. Keep a clear mind and grit your teeth while staying single minded and focused on grinding through one week, two hours, heck even one more step, one foot before the other will suffice as a short term goal when you feel like you are going to collapse in a heap and lose consciousness. When there is nothing which resembles any shred of normalcy you once knew and you need to continue forging ahead some people rely on God. I do too, but probably not in the same way. God gives me strength, mental strength- knowing that I am not alone, knowing that things could be a whole lot worse, knowing that in the event that everything really goes topside my future is secure.

How is God real to you? Not physically, but I sense Him, I feel His prompting and I hear His word. I see His hand at work in the mundane things in life. I recognize His sovereignty in the big events in life. More evidently, I witness the change He has wrought in the lives of those around me.

Pain is a sign that weakness is leaving your body. An unbreakable mind leads to an unyielding body. Pain can be ignored, pain can be swallowed, pain is bearable. One objective at a time, everything else in the world is secondary- this time, this place.

I don't think that you even know what you're looking for.