Sunday, March 18, 2007


Just back from JTT, 14th to 17th. Ohmigosh still high. Didnt blog yesterday cos i went home at about 2+pm and guess what? I slept. Haha, totally KO'ed. Kena awokened at like 6pm for dinner then when I reached home at 9pm KO again. Haha, really too much, tsk tsk :P HAHa.

JTT WAS AWESOME! Sunburn or none- tired or not no matter. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE TILL WE'RE DOOMED (to die haha)!! Solid Archerfish and Steady Kingfisher, Soild Steady till the end ^_^ JTT JTT rock the camp.

50% Perserverance (Pleasure), 30% Determination (Fun), 10% Tolerance (Joy), 9% Pain (bonding) and 1% Relaxation (Pain), 100% JTT :) JTT is pure Lovee haha.

I didnt hear much about what the others thought about us but talking to Elhannah on msn and hearing the stories about how we rocked the camp even though we were only there at the start and at the end. Im so touched words fail me. Its such a pity this will be the last JLTA camp ill be allowed to join as im already 18 going on 19. But I heard rumors about letting the first batch carry on (we we are so few in number) that would be awesome! Next year is JSC, I'll prolly be in NS so I cant go (Unless im drafted in aon April :P) then again, there's also Camporama =/ Next camp this year is Pow Wow, wonder if I can go in June :P Then again, June also have youth camp, hope it dont clash =x

Eh? Where did my week go? So fast, its like so soon tomorrow is school again, its like no holiday at all. But I do not regret going for JTT at all~ oh what would I give to be back on that beach, with friends, looking at the stars, bitten by sandflies, talking about stuff, listening to bangra/chinese/techno in the middle of no where, struggling to keep a fire alive, eating by dying torchlights, singing non-sensical songs, pitching tents in mere minutes, roaring through the camp like the victorious champions we are.

Im just feeling- sad.

Quote of e Post:
My Merlion

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Took another color test today... I was going to post results but it was too long to copypasta... So the next best alternative? Screenshots :)

So true. Im glad, even if just a little. Im quite alright now- gambatte
Quote of e Post:
I hate corrections
Because it is admitting that I have failed...